Deejay Gear

Here is a list of great gear in most price ranges. Always get the best gear that you can afford to give you and your listeners the best experience possible. Click the pictures to see more details.

The Blue Mouse Microphone is the the mic that I currently use. It’s an amazing mic with great low end.

The Blue Yeti Mic is a wonderful, pretty affordable mic with USB input and headphone jack so you really don’t need anything else with it.

Electro-Voice RE20 Broadcast Announcer Microphone is what I used before I got my Mouse. This is pretty standard in most radio stations. But, you’ll need some boost to help this mic reach it’s greatness.

There are better and better less expensive Mics being made all of the time. Here is a good inexpensive USB mic.

They audio interface that I’m currently using is the Zoom Podtrak 8. This is an amazing, fun tool. This gives you the ability to do so much more than plug in microphones and headsets. You can record content, take live calls over Skype, Discord and even your cell phone. This probably my favorite tool right now.

The Line 6 TonePort UX2 is what I had used for the past 14 years prior to my new setup. This thing is amazing and comes with a program to tweak your mic audio to give you a buttery sweet voice.

A good starter setup doesn’t have to be expensive. Here is an example of a setup that is less than $40. But will have you sounding much better than the headset mic that most use.

Behringer makes some really nice gear. I was turned onto them by an old radio guy about 20 years ago. Here is a good starter set.